Tuesday, April 1, 2008


as i was driving to work today, i went the way i usually go.
i had to stop for a woman just standing in the right hand lane. i beeped at her. she looked quite insulted that i'd do such a thing.
car vs person? you'd lose lady.
she then vaguely wandered to the centre island. grr! why didn't she just cross straight to it?
older woman. asian.
foolishness. she's a potential hazzard to herself. the traffic lights she could have safely crossed at were about 50m from where she had stepped onto the road. she should have gone down there.
i hope she goes out and about with other people in future, i don't think she had a full handle on how dangerous her action was.
if i hadn't seen her, if i couldn't stop in time...she'd be seriously injured or dead.
i'm sure her family don't need that kind of grief - i certainly don't.

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